
Wild Pansies

Replying back to jps comments in comments, I realised while referencing other opinions, that so many had problems with the insipid racism in Pirates of the Caribbean 2. Did you know there was a call for boycott of the flick? Read this representative piece by ljournal user Sabonasi and the debate. he and many others also feel strongly about the representation of Tia Dalma. I thought I couldn't agree entirely on that but actually i realised thats because she did such a spirited and atmospheric job. "her sexuality was also treated as a joke. The film made it perfectly clear that there was no way that Jack nor Will would actually be romantically interested in her. A Black woman thinking she is sexually/romantically desirable?" As I see it, Naomie got back in a way the disney boys never intended. She put a spell while playing her part.


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